Danish Lymphoprolierative Cancer reaserch center (DALY-CARE)

Led by Principal Investigator, consultant, and clinical lecturer Carsten Utoft Niemann

DALY-CARE focuses on the treatment of lymphoproliferative cancers. The aim is to improve and personalize patient treatment. By analyzing patient factors and disease characteristics together with molecular and genetic information, all aspects of the diseases can be elucidated and data-driven optimized treatment can be identified and implemented for the individual patient.

The researchers combine clinical data, disease characteristics, molecular, and genetic data. They have gathered electronic health records from over 60,000 patients, including more than 3,000 different routine data points covering biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, prescription medication, in-hospital medication, antineoplastic treatment, vital parameters and free text notes. They use Dansh National Gemome Center’s supercomputer to develop data-driven algorithms that can assist doctors in making treatment decisions based on the data. Based on the DALY-CARE data resource, the group has developed and implemented decision support tools into the EPIC-based Electronic Health Record system in Eastern Denmark and into a clinical trial.

Based on the Danish National Genome Centers research cloud, we develop data-driven decision support algorithms trained on the DALY-CARE project and validated in clinical trial, plus real world data from international collaborators. The Danish National Genome Centers research cloud provides the safe cloud-based environment for our postgres SQL data infrastructure allowing for cleaning and standardization of our data. Additionally, it enables collaboration in a safe data environment allowing for the needed computational power to train algorithms. Furthermore, the DALY-CARE project allows for near real-time monitoring of different outcomes for patients upon changes in management, says Principal Investigator, consultant, and clinical lecturer Carsten Utoft Niemann