To ensure coordination and direction for our collective efforts the Danish Government and Danish Regions have developed a National Strategy for Personalised Medicine 2017-2020.
Overall, the focus of the strategy is to:
- Establish a foundation for the development of better and more targeted health care for patients, through the use of new technologies and new knowledge
- Strengthen the ethical, legal and safety aspects related to the use of genetic in-formation in health care
- Establish a joint governance structure and strengthen collaborations across the country – both in healthcare and research
- Establish a cooperation about a safe, joint and coherent technological infrastructure
- Initiate relevant research – and development projects
In the National Budget there has been allocated 100 million DKK in 2017-2020 to get started. The development of the area of Personalised Medicine is also expected to be co-financed by public research resources, regional healthcare resources and private actors.
Download: Summary of National Strategy for Personalised Medicine 2017-2020 (PDF)