Contact the Danish National Genome Center

Secure digital mail via e-Boks

If you send us sensitive information or CPR-no., you must send it via a secure connection. Danish National Genome Center receives digital emails through e-Boks. Digital mail is a secure way to send information. 

Companies and citizens can send digital mail to the Danish National Genome Center at:

Send digital mail to the Danish National Genome Center as a citizen

Send digital mail to the Danish National Genome Center as a company

You can also send digital mail to the Danish National Genome Center by logging in to e-Boks and tap the following:

  • Menu
  • Write new email
  • Select recipient
  • Search category – Public Authorities State / Nationalt Genom Center (Standard)

You can then write your inquiry to us.


Ørestads Boulevard 5, Building 208, DK-2300 S

P: +45 24 97 17 65


Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 9AM to 3PM

CVR-nr.: 39851490
EAN-nr.: 5798000363410

Press contact

Maria Bachara
Press Officer and Communications Advisor

Executive Board

Bettina Lundgren
Camilla Borchorst
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Christian Dubois
Chief of Staff, Management Secretariat

Management Secretariat

Christian Dubois
Chief of Staff, Management Secretariat
Mette Christensen
PA to the CEO

Management service & Communications (Team)

Kasper Lindegaard-Hjulmann
Team Leader
Maria Bachara
Press officer and communication advisor
Michelle Aakjær Boisen
SoMe- and Communications Advisor
Gitte Tofterup Hansen
Senior Adviser
Rikke Korshøj Andersen
Kristina Schwenn Madsen
Administrative officer
Jakob Engberg Jensen
SoMe- and Communications Advisor
Amal Hussein
Student Assistant

Law (Team)

Christina Scavenius Borg
Senior Adviser

Finance (Team)

Lotte Bak
Team Leader
Anne-Sofie Hempler Balle
Senior Adviser
Clara Kirkegaard Lausen
Office Aid
Sophia Grundtvig Westh
Office assistant
Frederik Johannessen Vig
Office assistant

Compliance & Security (Sektion)

Jacob Gemmer Gasberg Drasbeck
Section Leader (CISO)
Mikkel Andersen
Risk & Business Continuity Officer
Berfin Bicen
Student Assistant
Sayan Roy
Data Security Manager
Daniel Christensen
Cybersecurity Analyst
Katja Ring Johansen
Senior Adviser
Nikolai Bjerre Sidenius
Data Protection Agent
Matthew Jonathan Stitt
Security Analyst

Research and International Relations (Section)

Lene Cividanes
Head of Research and International Relations
Troels Tvedegaard Rasmussen
Ivana Bogicevic (maternity leave)
Christiane Saurbrey Karle
Academic Officer
Astrid Munk Pedersen
Tobias Hallundbæk Petersen
Academic Officer
Christian Ravn
Senior Adviser
Malene Bøgehus Rasmussen
Medical Assistant

Personalised Medicine Development Unit

Camilla Borchorst
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Ali Syed
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Portfolio & Project management (Team)

Deiwa Popal
Amalie Margaard Lange
Student Assistant
Gisle Dons
Senior Adviser

Support  (Section)

Majbrit Fonnesbæk Hansen
Section leader

Databases & Integrations  (Section)

Majbrit Fonnesbæk Hansen
Section leader
Mikael Kronborg Christophersen
Camilla Hundahl Johnsen
Michael Stoner
Backend Developer
Miglé Černiauskaité
Stein Karlsen
Senior Adviser
Wibowo Arindrarto
Senior Adviser
Malte Janssen
Academic Officer

Analysis & Data Use (Section)

Nicolas Rapin
Section leader
Christoffer Egeberg Hother
Senior Adviser
Catrine Høm
Martin Thomsen
Administrative officer
Anna Maria Asplund
Philip Alstrup Andersen
Ana Pastor Mediavilla

Data Protection Officer

Helle Ginnerup-Nielsen


Letter: If you send your inquiry by mail, it should be addressed to the following address: Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health, Slotsholmsgade 10-12, 1216 Copenhagen K, Attn: Data Protection Officer.

Digital post: If you send your inquiry via Digital Post, please kindly write "Attn: Data Protection Officer" in the subject line.
If your inquiry contains sensitive or confidential information about yourself or another person (e.g., health information or CPR-number), we encourage you to send your inquiry to the Data Protection Officer via secure email or Digital Post by logging into