Over the next 4 years, up to 60,000 patients will be able to look forward to better diagnostics and more tailor-made treatment, which is also known as personalised medicine. It is the ambition of a roadmap for personalised medicine, which has been prepared by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Danish National Genome Center. The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 1 billion to kick-start the Danish National Genome Center and pay for the infrastructure of the centre and the first 60,000 genetic analyses.
”Many countries are like Denmark in the process of developing personalised medicine. The grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation means that, in one step, Denmark will be able to increase the joint contribution to personalised medicine to a level, which would normally take a long time to reach in the Danish healthcare system. The Danish contribution is unique in three areas. We ensure that personalised medicine will benefit patients immediately. We have public control of the use of information from Danish patients. And we develop personalised medicine nationally, so that patients receive the same offer, no matter where in Denmark, they are in hospital,” says Magnus Heunicke, Minister for Health.
Learn and watch more about Danish National Genome Center
The vision of precision medicine